Islands of Alliejen

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Game Mechanics

Write-ups: I'll use a blog to post game info. Post a backstory for your character here, as well as summaries of each game session, to get bonus experience (and possibly action points, see below). Each contentful write-up is worth 50xp * character level.

Character creation: Not sure what level we'll start at. For stats, point-buy with 25 points per DMG (I use because I'm lazy), or you can choose to roll 4d6, drop the lowest. For hp, you can either choose to get the average value at each level (rounded down for even levels, rounded up for odds), or roll.

For classes, feats, etc. from outside the PH/DMG, you need my approval. If something seems too powerful to me but you really want to try it, I'll permit it with the condition that I may reduce the power level if needed.

Other rules variants to be aware of:

1) Action points. I'll probably use the system as it is here.

2) Craft points. You can craft either by time or craft points.

3) I'm a tiny bit more lenient with death. See * for details.

4) Taking 10: you can't take 10 in any situation where you are under stress unless the task is very simple, or you have an ability that allows it. You can't take 10 in any opposed check (e.g. bluff, hide), any check against a magical effect (e.g. disabling a magic trap), or for knowledge or diplomacy.

5) Power Attack: 3-2 benefit when using 2 handed weapons. For every point of penalty taken with a 2-handed weapon and power attack, you gain 1.5 points of extra damage. Round down after adding the 1.5 x strength bonus due to two handed wielding. E.g. A character with 16 strength (+3 strength bonus) wielding a 2-handed greatsword would
normally deal 2d6 + 4 (3 * 1.5 rounded down) points of damage. If he chooses to power attack and take a penalty of 1 on his roll, he would deal 2d6 + 6 ((3 + 1) * 1.5 rounded down) points of damage, not 2d6 + 5 (3 * 1.5 rounded down + 1 * 1.5 rounded down). Likewise, a light weapon would deal 0.5 times the power attack penalty in extra damage. All natural attacks benefit from power attack as normal.

6) Knowledge checks on enemies. You can try to identify the type of enemy you face as a free action. Check the PHB page 78 for which knowledge skills let you identify which types of enemies. It's a DC 10 to learn the name of the creature, DC 15 to learn it's primary special abilities and attacks. DC 20 to get the full stat block from the MM. For uncommon creatures all DCs are +5, for rare ones, +10. Bardic Knowledge can be substituted for all knowledge checks, but the DCs are +0-10 depending on the situation.

* Specifics: if you are below -10 hp, you are "mostly dead": you won't
immediately die, you'll only die if you take additional damage (aside
from the usual -1 per round). When mostly dead, self regeneration/fast
healing, etc. all stop working; only another player's heal check or
heal spell can stabilize you. Anything which is a "death effect"
becomes a "near death" effect, putting you at -10 hp and mostly dead;
anything which is a disintegration-like effect, still functions as

Intelligent PCs who are aware you are dying, and aware that the group
has a healer, will finish off dying (-1 to -9 hp) PCs. Generally,
enemies treat "mostly dead" as "dead" until they learn better, and will
therefore be unlikely to "finish off" a mostly dead PC.


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