Islands of Alliejen

Friday, June 09, 2006

Backstory, v0.2

From a young age, I showed magical talent. I would occasionally torment the neighborhood children by having light chase them around or other small tricks. I grew up in a very poor peasant family. My father was a farmhand and my mother would occasionally have a position as "the help" in one of the more affluent houses. I was one of 6 children, only 4 living though, 3 boys and 1 girl (me). Due to the rumors magical aptitude, one of the priests of wee jas from a nearby island decided to meet with me when I was 10. The priests would often sail around the islands to look for promising candidates. My parents willingly gave me to him (one less mouth to feed) and I was taken away to the nearby island with the temple.

The temple had a building for young acolytes. Some other children and I who had shown exceptional magical aptitude were given strict training in various magical arts, as well as rituals for the dead, since the people of the island often asked for Wee Jas's blessings during funerals. However, I did not adapt well to the strict life. I showed a remarkable magical ability without the hours of studying and prayer that the other students required. I would sometimes cause trouble out of boredom and did not often listen to my elders, yet I progressed much more quickly than the other students. While the priests studied me, I instead took a different view of the matter, that it was a sign from Wee Jas. When I was 16, I started to believe that she did not enjoy the constant prayers and boring, unchanging rituals, and instead wanted her gifts and powers to be shown. Obviously, since I did not pray, yet I had been blessed with her gifts, this had to be true. I started sowing the seeds of doubt in my fellow students. Some started to believe that I was blessed or touched by her. Others did not study or pray as much (although they did not do as well as I without the prayers). I was starting to challenge the power of the hierarchy, something that was not looked fondly upon. I even changed my name to Alluvia, as my previous peasant name did not suit someone of my abilities.

Needless to say, the priests were not amused. I had almost half of the students following me instead of them. When I was 18 (now) they decided that I must leave the temple. When I refused, they accused me of stealing the offerings from the local townspeople and had me taken away by the prison ship.

Appearance - Tall, pale, with dark red hair and deep green eyes.


At 12:51 AM, Blogger Neal said...

A promising start for an interesting character. 100 xp, though you're welcome to continue to revise it until our first session.


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