Islands of Alliejen

Saturday, January 06, 2007

a devil of a time

We were face-to-face with two of these chain-covered things. I could only assume they were devils because Valkor said everything on this plane was a devil. I don’t understand the difference between devils and demons but Valkor seems to know and I don’t really care so I’ll trust him on this.

It was an awful slog of a fight. Our weapons seemed to have little effect and I can’t say I was overly impressed by the spell-casting either. In the end we were victorious but it wasn’t my idea of fun.

When it was over Valkor mentioned that we probably should have had some weapons of silver. And cold iron. And adamantine. Because apparently all these things are resistant to damage from normal weapons. I wish he’d said something before we’d got here, but it did encourage everyone to pull their crap together to get back through the portal. Oh, except for Glyn who had to cut one of the chains off one of these guys for his “collection”. I don’t know what he’s going to do with all these trophies he collects but one day soon he’s going to need something to carry it all around for him.

Back in the real world we tried to work out where we would be able to buy all these fancy weapons Valkor had suggested and the obvious choice was Mota. I wasn’t happy going there but at least with a teleport I wouldn’t be noticed arriving on the docks, if they’re still keeping an eye out for those that were on the Blessed Wind so long ago.

I suspect Valkor had other reasons for suggesting Mota as he slipped away in the afternoon and came back looking very pleased with himself. Meanwhile we all stocked up on weird and wonderful weapons until we looked like porcupines. For my own part I tried to get different styles of weapons to help me remember which one was made of what based on what Valkor said we’d need at the time.

It was a pretty odd collection as we joined hands to return to the island, but before long we were stepping through the portal again. This time there were a couple of imps on the other side. The didn’t seem that concerned in reporting us and Valkor suggested just bribing them to keep quiet but that was too easy for Glynn and he started a fight so we finished up killing the critters.

We trekked across the largely featureless plain trying to pick a path that would lead us reasonably directly to our destination without going through occupied areas. Of course we had no idea where the occupied areas are, but we figured the river near the bronze citadel was likely to be reasonably well traversed and thus worth avoiding.

We had to cast about to find our target but eventually we spied it. It was a pretty big place and looked like it was built to defend. We decided to send Kat in to scout the place out and we settled back out of sight of the place.

She’s been gone for a while now and the others are starting to worry that something might have happened to her. Maybe we should send Glyn to find out. Perhaps then I can get some peace and quiet.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Neal said...

Nice, as always. 300 xp + 1 action point


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