Islands of Alliejen

Saturday, October 14, 2006


"...We talked for a few moments, and asked her if she knew where Miranda was. She said that she did, but refused to take us to her. However, she did agree to pass along a note. We told her to meet us by the mountainside in several days."

"With no other recourse, we continued to the ruins on the other side of the island. Just as we were approaching, we saw a group of people running away from something. It turns out that a pair of Howlers, dangerous, quill covered beasts from the Abyss, had somehow entered the Prime. They were attacking the villagers. We rushed forward to help, and we managed to save three out of the four of them after a short but vicious fight."

"The beasts left several of their quills in Glynn. He looked quite ridiculous, and then there were those quills in him. But who knows, sharkskin adorned with quills might take off sometime around here. In either case, our hosts led us back to their village, where we removed the quills after some screaming and yelling from Glynn."

"The next day, we visited the ruins. The whole thing seemed to be a circle of stones, with the stones forming doorways. The howler tracks seemed to lead right into one and disappear. The whole scene had traces of conjuration magic everywhere. I suspected that it was some sort of summoning circle. But there were no clues to how use it."

"We were stuck again, and decided to wait at the mountainside talk to Red. Miranda of course, did not show up. We went up to talk to Red, only to learn that he had no idea who Miranda was. Edmund seemed to be infuriated. Fortunately, Red seemed to be quite knowledgeable about the planes, and we were able to learn quite a bit from him. He seemed to agree with my own assessment: that somehow the the planar barriers were breaking down. It explained why the water elementals were appearing, why the Howlers appeared, and the presence shadow ship. However, he refused to point us to another person who would be able to help us out unless we first retrieved a bag that he left on Avernus, the first layer of Baator."

"It seemed to be far too dangerous for us, so we resolved on tracking down on that mysterious woman we met a few days ago. Glynn and Edmund seemed to be all for it, so we set off. Even though it had been so long, we were able to pick up her trail easily. After a few days, we encountered another beast -- this time a very large bear. Fortunately for us, I was able to keep it at bay with a combination of webbing, greasing, and fodder animals from the Outer Planes. Soon after, the mysterious woman showed up again. She seemed insistent to know why exactly we seeded Miranda out, so we told her. At hearing about the massacre at the lighthouse, she grew concerned, and admitted to us that she, was indeed, Miranda."

"We learned quite a bit from her too, and we planned to head back to Raora. However, we went to the village at where we left the ship only to find that our ship was gone! No one seemed to know why they left, so we had no choice but to consult with Red again. He suggested that we return to Raora through a portal in the Ruins. He said that the portal should lead through to an air bubble in the the Elemental Plane of Water, and we should be able to traverse it and find another portal that will lead us through to Raora, through where the Water Elementals came out of."

"I was quite excited -- I had never been to another plane before, and had only read about them up till now..."


At 12:42 AM, Blogger Neal said...

250 xp + 1 action point


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