Islands of Alliejen

Sunday, September 17, 2006


“…I long suspected that the sail was some sort of air elemental binded to the canvas.”

“But in either case, once the commotion died down, we were greeted and welcomed as heroes in town. How things change quickly when you save everyone from some sort of a giant sail thing. Everyone except Edmund headed off to Mota or perhaps elsewhere at this point. I guess we had a pretty good run.”

“I spent the next morning in the inn, scribing some spells into some scrolls. I was approached by someone who appeared to be Ren’s bigger, stronger, and jollier brother, Stimpy. He introduced himself, and asked to join up for some adventure. Since at this point, it was just Edmund and myself, I decided that some sort of healing magic would be helpful.”

“Edmund told me that he’d be to the west, so we left to look for him together. Eventually, we found him, and he had just slain some sort of strange creature. We had never seen such a thing before, and decided that a bit of tracking and scouting would be in order. At this point, some strangely dressed woodswoman approached us and said that she’d tag along too. Her name was Kat, and ahe seemed to know the island pretty well, so we let her come as well. She was a bit odd though.”

“We followed its trail winding through the forest, and eventually came out on the beach. It seems that whatever it was, it was amphibious. With no other leads to follow, we returned to town. I thought about it the whole way, and it occurred to me that I had read about something like this somewhere. It was some sort of a bizarre monstrosity, the result of some sort of intelligent sea-based being mating with a land based creature.”

“Back at the tavern, we were approached by yet another person, who introduced himself as Glen. He was a garishly dressed fellow, sporting purple sharkskin leather. The others couldn’t stop having fun at his expense, so I agreed let him join us. If nothing else, the jokes would provide plenty of amusement.”

“We later decided that the next course of action would be to row out to that old pirate ship, and sail it to meet Miranda. We purchased a rowboat in town and paddled around the island. About halfway there, we encountered a bunch of lizardfolk, who promptly attacked us by firing arrows. We pulled back and rowed to the ship without further incident.”

“However, what was on the ship was a whole other story. Everything on that ship was raided and looted, and we encountered 4 straggler lizardmen who promptly attacked us. They weren’t much of a match for us. From what I can tell, Kat was a fast attacker, tumbling around the foes and keeping them off balance. Stimpy was like his older brother, a druid. Glen seemed to be one of my more belligerent brethren. Forsaking all but the most simplest of destructive magic in order to master casting spells with very little somatic components.”

“We soon set sail for the other island, or at least, we attempted to. In not too long, we were hopelessly lost, and we were forced to turn back. Too bad we got lost doing that too. We eventually came across a small island, and we encountered a single lizardman. He agreed to help us navigate back to Raora in exchange for our aid in defeating the reigning lizardman shaman on Raora. We agreed, figuring that we didn’t like the lizardmen much after they attacked us for no good reason. There was also the potential for some treasure too. So we were able to get back to Raora, and our deposed lizardman host told us the plan…”


At 5:32 PM, Blogger Neal said...

Excellent. 200xp and 1 action point


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