Islands of Alliejen

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I was always a bit of a tomboy, running off into the woods to play with the other kids instead of helping my parents around the house or at my father's fletcher's store. Of course, Seawell being the calm and relatively prosperous town it is, that wasn't too serious of a problem, though my mother took it more seriously than my father. When we played guards and lizardmen, I'd always choose to be a lizardman, and enjoyed climbing into the branches of trees and jumping down on top of the other kids to scare them.

As I grew older I started to take my playing in the woods more seriously. I started to help some of the local hunters as they went out. I excelled at finding and stalking the prey. And in return for making their hunt quicker and more successful, they started giving me a few silver after they had sold the meat at market. I was starting to make a small business by lending my services.

When I was 16 I tried a brief stint with the town guard. It didn't work out. I have always been a bit of a loner and following all the rules and regulations was a bore. Plus, you never see new recruits with shiney new clothes and armor, do you? I did learn some valuable skills, however, such as more survival techniques and the lay of the island.

After I decided to leave the guard, they offered me a deal as a freelancer. See, the lizardmen raided fairly regularly every 2 years or so. I think it was because they had forgotten about the last time they got their asses kicked in that time and wanted another taste of our goods. It had been a year and a half, and the mayor and guard were getting a bit worried about where, when, and how they would strike next. I would be paid to find and spy on them for a little while, see if they had any plans to strike soon or if i could find out their plan for the future. I've always been good at languages, I picked up Dwarven and Elven just from talking to the visitors to Seawell, so I figured Draconic wouldn't be too much of a problem. Finding the lizardmen was easy, and I spent about 3 months studying them. Their plans weren't exactly organized, but it seems like they were starting to set their eyes on a ranch on the outskirts of town with some well fed cows. The town guard easily fended them off, and I got a reputation. I'd still aid hunters from time to time, but mostly I would follow people.

I've been watching you...


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