Islands of Alliejen

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It was *how* big????

We finally reached the source of the river. It’s a strange formation that could almost be manufactured, but it’s too hard to tell.

And like a plug in the top of the source was a water elemental that made all the others we’d seen look miniscule. I didn’t see much point in trying to talk to it but Ren walked up and tried to engage it. Somewhat surprisingly it didn’t attack him, and actually seemed to be capable of speech.

I went up to talk to it but it was like talking to a young child—it had no real understanding or concern for the problems it was causing. Suggesting it move to the ocean where it would have abundant water without taking the island’s water source; pointing out that it was killing us; ... Nothing mattered—it had enough water where it was and if we died that was just tough.

Those that could attempted to summon water magically, but it failed. They said they could feel the water being summoned, yet it wouldn’t materialise.

I think it was Leshrac that pointed out that something bigger was probably going on (duh!)—water elementals everywhere; summoned water disappearing; the waves with originally threw us into chaos aboard the Blessed Wind—it was a bit beyond coincidence.

We scouted the area to look for some other way to tap the water from beneath the source but we didn’t have any success. We did meet some lizard men but they were on the same mission as us—they too had been affected by the drought and were seeking the cause of the problem. They were happy to stay and watch us attempt to restore the river but apparently unwilling to aid us. Our suggestion that we should bring back some soldiers was even less popular; they suggested that it would be seen as an act of aggression to bring soldiers up here and would likely lead to hostilities.

Ren then mentioned that he had some spell to soften earth, which if he could cast tow or three times should be able to break through. And indeed it did, though by the time he’d cast it twice the elemental had become suspicious and commanded us to stop.

We refused, of course. I knew of several ways to provide some water for our group, but they would only go so far and certainly wouldn’t help the other inhabitants.

The elemental was certainly formidable. It struck Ren and he was knocked unconscious. The same for Rabinus. Valkor’s magical web was relatively ineffective as well. We were only saved becase the elemental is unable to travel far from the portal it sits over. Eventually it was forced to retreat and we were able to collect everyone and withdraw to a safe location.

Ren’s spell had enabled some water to leak out into the river, though only on one direction. It’s not the flow it should be, but it’s better than nothing. As a result we decided to head towards Able (where the water was headed) rather than back to Seawell. We know the towns have birds for communication so going to one is largely the same as going to another, but I expect a better reaction if we accompany some water.

I think it’s clear that we will have to come back with some armed men and destroy the elemental. But as Leshrac says, this are all symptoms and at some stage we need to go in search of the cause, though anything that can summon all these elementals can probably squash us like bugs.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger Neal said...

Excellent! 150 xp + 1 action point (if you go up a level because of last session, I'll let it apply to the new level since I was late commenting)


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