Islands of Alliejen

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Exploring the lighthouse

We saw some roofs on the other side of the hedges so we gathered ourselves and went exploring. There were no people there but sleeping palettes for eight though we had only fought four. The only other things of interest were in a small box—a bottle, a small obsidian eye which looked like it was designed to hang on a chain or something, and a scroll.

Leshrac said that the contents of the bottle were magical but neither of the other things were. Valkor looked at the scroll but couldn’t read it; apparently it was some sort of code. There was also a map but it wasn’t clear what it was. It looked like an island but for some reason the coastline was undefined.

We slept on the ship and were roused in the morning by calls from the deck. There was a boat headed toward the beach, but when they saw us they diverted further up the beach. It was clearly the other pirates so I opened fire with my bow. Revenge is sweet. It only took a few shots to have two of them slumped at the oars and the others surrendered.

We questioned them but they weren’t particularly helpful. We also had the map from their wizard which showed a lighthouse along the coast and we went to find out why we hadn’t seen their light last night, as if it weren’t obvious.

Four corpses, raided stores, and a broken mechanism for the lighthouse. There was one interesting thing, a note with a mark similar to the obsidian eye. It talked about searching for some sunken ship, the Bessie and made mention of a potion that allowed you to breathe underwater. I wonder what the bottle in the box is? With the additional information I looked at the map again. I guess it could represent some section of the sea bed, but so could almost anything. I think we need to ask questions about sunken ships—if we can find out some information about the Bessie, which is probably not the actual name of the ship anyway, then perhaps we can make use of the map.

When we returned to the ship we made plans for heading to town. We discovered that the pirates had a ship anchored off shore and took possession of it. The pirate that has been of help to us has been offered his freedom as reward. We have moved everyone on to the ship and now we just need favourable winds to take us against the currents that would otherwise carry us onto the reefs.


At 10:45 PM, Blogger Neal said...

Good! 100 xp


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