Islands of Alliejen

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


"The plan was simple: the shaman would disguise himself as the current leader, and lure him to the sacrificial circle, where we would attack and ambush him. The place smelled a bit foul and I certainly didn't like being there, but it was an interesting experience. We waited in the nearby brushes for nearly an hour when finally the disguised lizardman emerged and cast silence on all of us to prevent us from giving away our location."

"Soon, the 'meeting' was on its way, with both identical looking lizardmen arguing over something we couldn't hear. All of a sudden, they attacked each other, and the silence dropped. I noted that one of them actually cast a spell, ergo the other one must have taken the time to drop the silence, ergo the first must have been the bad-lizardman. Complicated? Yes. That's why I'm the wizard."

"The fight was furious, and as soon as we revealed ourselves, the bad-lizardman cast a spell, and I felt my limbs growing slow and heavy. It didn't bother me too much, as I rattled off a spell to blind the lizarman. It seemed to work, but then he used my own tactics against me: he enveloped us in a big mass of sticky webbing. I eventually willed myself out of it, but soon after, I was hit with another web. Again! I was getting tired of this, so I decided to cast my own web spell. Soon after, it was all over. The bad-lizardman was killed, and the sort of bad one agreed to take us back to the ship. The adventure was profitable too, as we managed to find a sizable stash of goods that we were allowed to keep."

"Soon after, we decided on how best to get to Bellatune. We hired an abler sailor to help us chart our course. It seemed to be correct, as we managed to arrive at the island this time around with no serious issues. It seemed to be sparsely populated, with only a small hamlet it seemed. We had to paddle our row boats to shore, and got the lay of the land a bit. It appeared that there were really only three notable things on the island: the first was some old ruins that no one has been around in some time. The second was an old coot that lived on some mountaintop. Finally, there was some woman that lived in the forests of the island, occasionally coming out to make contact with the villagers. Since none of the villagers knew anyone named Miranda in town, we assumed that the slightly mysterious woman must be her."

"We were first off to an inauspicious start. We didn't know where to start looking for Miranda, so Stimpy got the bright idea to go up the mountain to talk to the old man, because all old men living on mountaintops must be wise, he claimed. Well, we did go talk to him, after spending a good part of the day going up, and to no real avail. He didn't want to tell us right away, and asked us to come back in a week. In that time we would have been able to scour the entire island for this woman, and that's what we did. After the first day of fruitless searching, we set up camp and rested for the evening."

"I had said that there were three notable things on the island. Well, I was wrong, there were four: the forth being the very large, vicious, and aggressive animals that inhabited the island. The attacked us at night, and we awoke to hear Stimpy cry out as he went down in a pile. The other two jumped into action, as I calmly stood up and cast my signature spell at the time: a mass of sticky webbing to trap the wolves. However, they were stronger than I thought, and one of them managed to break free and get right next to me. I could spell its rancid breath in my face. I took a step back and cast another spell, blinding the wolf. After that, the battle was all but decided. The blinded wolf staggered around and snapped ineffecually at the air, while the other one trapped in the web was unable to attack Edmund with any serious danger."

"After the battle, we got Stimpy back on his feet and we were catching our breath when a strange but fairly attractive woman showed up. She didn't fit Miranda's description, and she warned us against camping in the forest while at the same time praising out combat prowess. I thought all of this was a bit strange, especially after I turned and saw Edmund and Stimpy with their mouths agape, and little droplets of saliva dripping down the sides of their mouths..."


At 6:27 PM, Blogger Neal said...

200 xp + 1 action point


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